Refill Stations
You can have your Mehr-Fair-Weg bottle refilled in the roastery (Hellmundstraße 37 in Wiesbaden) and in our Brühbar (Augustinerstraße 19 in Mainz).
Easy, uncomplicated and sustainable. We'll fill up your bottle for you, you save 5% on your refill.
Exchange station
• Coffeehouse Maldaner (Wiesbaden)
• Fresh mail (Wiesbaden & Mainz)
• Dear (Mainz)
• Lulu (Mainz)
Exchange your Mehr-Fair-Weg bottle at one of our retailers. Simply bring your empty bottle with you and exchange it for a new bottle filled with freshly roasted coffee of your choice. You can find participating retailers in our region. The bottles that are returned to us are washed and reused.